Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Two Million People Flood Streets, Rejoice as Mubarak Announces the End of His Rule

Hosni Mubarak announced today that he would not be seeking re-election.  While this was not the resignation that many Egyptians were calling for, the 2 million people crowding the streets of Cairo broke into joyful celebration at the conclusion of Mubarak's address.

"Mubarak, 82, would be the second Arab leader pushed from office by a popular uprising in the history of the modern Middle East, following the ouster last month of Tunisia's president.

"The movement to drive Mubarak out has been built on the work of on-line activists and fueled by deep frustration with an autocratic regime blamed for ignoring the needs of the poor and allowing corruption and official abuse to run rampant. After years of tight state control, protesters emboldened by the Tunisia unrest took to the streets on Jan. 25 and mounted a once-unimaginable series of protests across this nation of 80 million people - the region's most populous country."

It boggles the mind.  Ian:  Officially boggled.  Congrats to Egypt on their victory achieved through protest and civil disobedience. 


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