Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Mitt Romney Loves Soft-Core Teen Porn, Distances Self From Vampires

Mitt Romney wants you to know he's just like millions of teenage girls (and me, I'm sad to say) in that he's read the Twilight books.

"'I mean I like the Twilight series. I thought it was fun,' Romney said. 'I don't like vampires personally, I don't know any but you know my granddaughter was reading it and I thought, well this looks like fun so I read that.'"

While there are many things wrong with this statement, I think it's extra hilarious that he makes a point of telling people he doesn't associate with vampires.  This will clearly win him the nomination-- when I think of Michele Bachmann, I think "bloodsucker."

This brings to mind a more important question-- when is OAQ favorite Taylor Lautner going to go "Brokeback" and do gay-for-pay?  Inquiring minds want to know!

1 comment:

  1. Mitt Romney does not like competition from other Vampires !!!

    Mitt Romney could have logically been on Barack Obama’s Vice Presidential (VP) Short list in 2008 presidential run if Mitt Romney did not flip-flop from the views he held in MA. Mitt Romney is a chameleon and lacks a moral compass. Maybe Mitt Romney as a Moron :) I mean Mormon can support abortion. I honestly do not know enough about about the CULT of Mormonism to address the subject of Mitt Romney’s support of abortion. However as the founder of Bain Capital Mitt Romney was trying to make money NOT jobs. As such Mitt Romney was pocketed way in excess of 250+ million dollars that over a quarter of a billion dollars. By charging huge fees an leveraging the companies, another words a company goes out and borrow all it can to pay Bain Capital. Then Bain Capital goes public with these corpse companies to scam retirement funds and other stock investors. Bain Capital would then cash in their stock in these companies knowing the stock is worthless. Eventually the company eventually implodes and goes bankrupt screwing all it’s creditors and all the workers out of a job! In summary Mitt Romney is a leech on the back of the working man and woman. Mitt Romney (Bain) corporate raiding putting the worker’s retirement funds into his pockets. A Vampire who feasts on the suffering of others. I do however profusely apologize to Leeches and Vampires and other Blood suckers in making a comparison with them to the likes of Mitt Romney. I think for the future Health of the Republican party a true conservative should take the long view and cast a protest vote for Barack Obama if Mitt Romney is the Republican nominee and standard bearer. With Barack Obama you know what you are getting and Barack Obama tries to implement what Barack Obama promises. With a Mitt Romney President you never know what you will get. Simply put make the Republican party responsive to the Christian right that it now takes for granted. A in mass protest vote by all those who oppose Mitt Romney should make the Republican party reluctant in the future to produce another scumbag like Mitt Romney as it’s presidential nominee.
