Monday, May 16, 2011

In Which Ian Awesome Plugs A Friend

I normally don't devote any blog space to businesses, preferring to plug fellow writers, but this fine gentleman deserves a word on this AngryQueer thingy.  I know a lot of my readers are language geeks (much like yours truly), so you should check this dude out.

James Hoscyns runs HoscynsOrg, an internet-based approach to learning foreign language.  How does it work?  He, or one of his highly qualified instructors, work out an individualized lesson plan for the language of your choice.  Then you actually learn during Skype lessons, with the option of contacting your instructor for questions outside your session.  It's a pretty simplistic, organic approach that optimizes your lesson to your level of ability and enables you to learn a language in your own time. 

They have tons of languages available, too!

Arabic German Pashto
Chechen Italian Russian
Chinese (Mandarin) Japanese Spanish
Dutch Korean Vietnamese
French Nepali Welsh

If you want to learn something that isn't listed above, he can find an instructor for you.  It's pretty effing awesome, so click below to get to his website.


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