Wednesday, August 3, 2011

APA Endorses Marriage Equality

The American Psychological Association took a strong stance on LGBT marriage on the eve of its largest convention last night, with its policymaking body passing a resolution 157-0 urging legislators to give marriage equality to all Americans.

The APA is the world's largest body of psychologists, with more than 154,000 members, and the resolution is being hailed as having a far-reaching impact on the marriage equality debate.

"'Now as the country has really begun to have experience with gay marriage, our position is much clearer and more straightforward — that marriage equity is the policy that the country should be moving toward,' says Clinton Anderson, director of APA's Office on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Concerns.

"The resolution points to numerous recent studies, including findings that 'many gay men and lesbians, like their heterosexual counterparts, desire to form stable, long-lasting, and committed intimate relationships and are successful in doing so.'"

This is their strongest statement to date, and is a huge indicator of the value of marriage equality in the overall psychological health of all Americans.  This is the true scientific work in the topic, as opposed to the schlock and misinformation spread by NOM, Tom Minnery, and their ilk.  

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