Monday, August 22, 2011

Spider-Man Writer: "Glenn Beck Is An Idiot"

A couple GSWs ago, I mentioned briefly that Glenn Beck became outraged at Marvel's newest iteration of Spider-Man, blaming the biracial superhero's ethnicity on Michelle Obama.

One writer for Marvel, Brian Michael Bendis, who is writing the book, was overjoyed.  He responded that Glenn Beck was an idiot:
"We pissed off Glenn Beck, and that was amazing. I don't think Glenn Beck is an idiot because he's a conservative. I literally think he's just an idiot. Regardless of his belief system, he's just a lunatic. So that was hilarious. Not that I'm going out of my way to find ways to piss people like that off, but boy is it so nice when you do it by accident. I told my wife that she doesn't have to get me anything for my birthday because nothing will make me happier than this made me. I was happy all day.
*sigh* I dream of the day Glenn Beck blames me on Michelle Obama.

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