Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Rick Perry Loves Vets! He Just Doesn't Want Them To Vote

Rick Perry is hoping that his military service is one of the many factors you'll vote for him in the Presidential race, banking heavily on his experience as a pilot in the Air Force to give him the kind of "Patriot Cred" necessary to defeat Obama's reputation as un-American.  Unfortunately, Perry has a rather damning albatross around his neck.  You see, one of his recents acts as governor was to sign a voter ID law into effect that is designed to combat Texas' (nonexistent) voter fraud problem.

Why is that counterintuitive to his so-called military chops?  Because it bans the use of military identification as valid voter ID, disenfranchising many veterans who only have a military ID.

From VetVoice, via ThinkProgress:
"Given that Governor Perry is talking up his veteran status in Iowa, and taking constant hits at our Commander in Chief, one would think he has a pretty good record when it comes to those who served," said Allen Vaught, an Iraq War Veteran, who was awarded a Purple Heart. "Iowans, and Americans at large should know, however, that Governor Perry put partisan politics above the rights of veterans by recently signing a Voter ID Law in Texas that prohibits veterans from using their Department of Veterans Affairs ID card to vote." 
Vaught added, "Governor Perry knows full well that a Veterans ID Card is a legitimate, government-issued ID. In some cases, it's the only government ID a veteran has. Veterans fought to protect our democracy. Yet, Governor Perry's ill-conceived voter ID law will ensure that some veterans don't get to participate in the democracy they fought to preserve. That doesn't earn the respect of any man or woman in uniform that I know. I'd urge the press to dig into Rick Perry's record on veterans issues. They'll find his record doesn't stand up to his blustery rhetoric."
Perry is reportedly running to "make sure that every young man and woman who puts on the uniform of this country respects highly the president of the United States."  How, by presidential edict?  Because you sure as hell are not going to garner respect by taking away military personnel's ability to vote.

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