Friday, July 22, 2011

Santorum Is Pissed About "Santorum"

Ten years ago, Dan Savage focused his ire on an anti-gay politician and started a phenomenon that just won't quit.  In a stroke of genius, Savage forever associated the word "Santorum" with pooey lube, and the politician ignored it for a good decade.

Now, however, he's trailing in the polls and lacking funds, so what better time to suddenly be fed up?  He went on TV and sent an e-mail to potential donors this week attempting ride the waaaaahmbulance all the way to the bank.  From the Real Time:

"This man has gone out there and tried to destroy my integrity– I mean, you’ve heard about this Google issue, that’s Dan Savage. It’s the lowest debasement of public discourse. It’s offensive beyond anything that any public figure or anybody in America tolerate [sic], and the mainstream media laughs about it. They kid about it. They write about it. They say Santorum’s ‘Google problem,’ and when you see this kind of over the top– the Google thing is worse than what he said there– they laugh about that, too. Why? Because it’s a liberal beating up on a conservative, and that’s okay. And whether it’s Rick Santorum or Michele Bachmann, it’s the left making fun of someone who believes in the values that built America, that believes in traditional marriage. How outrageous! How bigoted! How hateful that you actually believe that raising children in families with mothers and fathers is something to be encouraged! Just because you hold those opinions you are subjected to the worst form of vulgarity on the internet, on television, on everything else… I wear it as a badge of honor that someone as vulgar and as disgusting and as hate-filled as Dan Savage sees me as Public Enemy #1. To me that tells me I’m doing something right."

"Savage and his perverted sense of humor is the reason why my children cannot Google their father’s name. I took the high road for nearly a decade by not dignifying these mindless attacks, then even defending his 1st Amendment right to spew this filth. And to this day, liberals like Rachel Maddow serve as Savage’s lackeys on national television, pushing his smut."

Oh, Rick Santorum.  You make me want to drink.

Hey guys!  Let's play the Rick Santorum drinking game!

The rules!  Take a drink every time he says:

1.  Dan Savage.
2.  Pervert.
3.  "Santorum."  Ha.  It means poop.
4.  Google.

Take two drinks every time he:

1.  Brings up his children and how they're being victimized.
2.  Blames liberals for his failures.

Today's total:  18.  Michele Bachmann is a lot better at this game.  No wonder she's leading in the polls.  

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